or, Dance Like An Egyptian
We found a counselor. He was recommended to us by some friends. His name's Dr. Loev. Pronounced just live "love". At first I thought, maybe it's a sign. Then I thought that's kinda silly, wonder how many patients he's got because of that? Now I've got KISS running thru my head. They call me...Doctor Love..I've got the cure you're thinkin of..Doctor Love... We can't get in til next Wednesday, but I feel a little better already. More secure, maybe? Knowing that help is on the way, I guess.
I feel better than I did this time last week, when it all came to a head. I may even be able to concentrate in class tonight. Which would be good. I started taking egyptian bellydance about 2.5 months ago. That's why I chose to be DancingCamel. The Camel is one of the first and most basic undulations a bellydancer learns. Last week I learned to walk and do it at the same time. Now I'm learning to add arm movement while walking and doing it. I really enjoy bellydance & the instructor says I'm doing really well. I seem to pick it up fairly quickly. After the first month she asked me to join the dance troupe
. So I did. Learned my first basic routine, and we performed 3 weeks later. It was hard, but I did it and felt I did it well. I didn't want to get up on stage if I really didn't need to be there. At any rate, I really enjoy it...great exercise, too. That's something that got me, too...since starting dance I was feeling better about my body & more confident. Then all this happens. Left me feeling a bit deflating to say the least. But, today I'm trying to feel better & more confident..help is on the way. ..calling Doctor Love...