It's a GE soft white 100 watt bulb...
I interviewed at a legal staffing place yesterday that offers direct placement. I did fairly well on their typing and computer test. So they've got an interview for me with a very large international firm this afternoon.
I'm hopeful. Good thing I wore a skirt suit today, just in case (tempting as it was to pull out the comfortable khakis & a knit top).
My coworker quit. She found another job closer to home, more money, and way better benefits. On her last day Owner asked her why she was leaving/what could he do to make the job better. I wanted to cheer when she told him he had no respect for us and that the dirt on the bottom of her shoe was treated better than he treated us, and that allows the technicians & managers to disrespect us as well. She gave him an earful. That was last Friday.
Today my supervisor says Owner gave me a 50 cent raise. Which I should be grateful for, it's money I didn't have before, but I really felt like laughing. This will sound like a rant, but it isn't - it's to explain so you'll know why I felt like laughing: Owner pays himself $3,400 bi-weekly, the 3 managers make 40k each, the warehouse/"go-fer" guy makes $12/hr, helpers just out of high school get $11/hr, and the techs make $15+/hr. I make $10/hr (excuse me, $10.50/hr). I found it all just ridiculous. I couldn't do anything but laugh, really (after I politely said oh thank you & came back to my desk).
I'm feeling nervous about the interview. Staffing lady said that I've probably never had an interview like the one I'll have today, & I'll probably never have one like it again. She said it's very important that I be myself, and that this person will ask me questions like 'what motivates you', 'why do you want to do this', etc. The purpose being to see if I really am a good fit, and if for any reason they feel I'm not, not to let it bother me because it really is for the best. So I'm feeling wide-eyed, like, what's going to happen? Oooo...the drama continues...