And may they choke on the suds in my wake!
My coworker is gone untl Monday. She is the dispatcher. I'm backup for when she goes to lunch, which is about as long as my patience lasts with some of these technicians. However, I get to be dispatcher when she's out, also. Much as I tried to prevent it, chaos reigns.
I wonder sometimes what exactly can be claimed as a "work related injury"? Like what if you banged your head repeatedly against the wall? Would that be a work related injury, or would it be some sort of assault & battery because your coworker(s)/supervisor/president/owner of your company pushed your buttons until you inflicted injury upon yourself? That'd be an interesting court case. Employers would then have to install decorative (yet functional) padding to protect against it. If not then employees could call in OSHA, citing unsafe working conditions. If only that were the case, I'd get hazard pay.
I arrived to work & am dispatching away at 8am like a good little worker bee. At 8:10am a supervisor and the owner were chewing me out because the supervisor's pet radioed in & claimed I copped an attitude with him on the 2way (which I did not) & how he was tired of the dispatchers treated him & threatened to quit. Natrually I said that was not the case, but the owner & supervisor acted like I was lying & basically said they believed the tech. What really pissed the owner off though, was that I stood up for myself & wouldn't back down to them (him). I thought screw this! I refuse to be bullied by the two of them trying to gang up on me because that tech got up on the wrong side of the bed or someone pissed in his cornflakes. After 10 mins of this I finally just asked Owner point blank "So you're saying you think I'm lying and that you believe the tech, then?" He gave some half assed round about answer saying that he couldn't make decisions like that without hearing the conversation & inflections in our voices, and that would keep him from making whatever decisions would need to be made but that he didn't want to lose the tech. Basically saying yes he thought I was lying, and alluding to getting rid of me before he'd lose the prima donna tech. Which then really pissed me off. So I've spent the rest of the day job searching online, since I can't do any of my work while doing my coworker's. 
On a brighter note, SO & I may go out for dinner tonight. Which would be nice. We've not been out together in a good while. Not holding my breath just yet as I may still get to cook that pack of turkey bratwursts in the fridge for dinner, but it'd be nice. Bellydance is going well. I was sweating like a pig at class last night (oooh..attractive, yes?). Instructor asked if it was okay to call at the last minute for things that come up, now that we know a full routine & are learning a new one (or two or three). I so don't want to come in to work Sunday. I want to work on a costume idea I have. But I need to get this crap under control at work. And the extra $ is always good, being as I'm underpaid (yet another good reason to move on from here). I'm trying to feel my way around Sting's 'Desert Rose'. Not so sure a super pale person like me would appear exotic enough to dance to it, tho 
Well, I'm off for now. But then again, I've felt off all day.