I decided to quit this stinkin job. Dr. Loev & I talked briefly about my job at my session a acouple weeks ago. I'm wondering why it took a professional to look at me & say Why aren't you using your education & working as a paralegal? I didn't have an answer. Made that light bulb come on over my head, and this time the dimmer switch wasn't on. Why the hell am I staying at this half assed company, kow-towing to the owner every time he gets a bug up his arse and decides to chew me out for insignificant things that he'll change his mind about 20mins later anyway? All at $20,800/year. Why have I stayed here a year & a half? If I could stare at myself in disbelief, I think I probably would.
So, last week I called the school I went to 8yrs ago to have them send me a copy of my certificate showing I completed the paralegal program (a year & a half of working full time & going to nightschool!). Hopefully that'll be arriving soon. I took advantage of the Memorial Day weekend sales & starting picking up a few "office" type clothes. For the last 6yrs I've worked in casual environments & just worn jeans & tshirts. This week I started slowly dressing nicer. Not that I want to 'waste' my new nice office clothes on this crappy job, but my thinking is I'll get them used to seeing me dressed better, so that then if I need to come in late or leave early for an interview, it's no big deal. I won't look unusual dressed nice because I've already been dressing that way for a while.
I've got to get this medical stuff taken care of first, make sure I'm okay, etc., then I can get outta Dodge. The only thing that seems to keep putting the brakes on this is mine & SO's relationship right now. Because I don't make very much money, I'm financially dependant on him. If I knew for sure we were not going to split up come August (when our lease is up on our apartment), I could just give my 2wks notice here and then go to a legal staffing agency/legal temp agency because I need more experience & would also help get me re-acclimated with the legal field (it's been 8yrs) and new softwares being used, etc. But, if we're going to split/seperate/whatever....I can't do that. I'd be foolish to risk a temp agency when I'd need a steady paycheck to get by & temp work is not always steady. Which, if the later were the case, I'd have to stay at the crappy job until finding a new one, and I just don't have any experience....so it could take a while.
I'm thinking maybe I should bring this up in our session today, since we're both going together this time.
Dilemmas, dilemmas.